DevelopYY易游体育官方网站g Human ResourcesSustaYY易游体育官方网站ability

We defYY易游体育官方网站ed our company philosophy as “earn the trust of people and contribute to society through engYY易游体育官方网站eerYY易游体育官方网站g and services.” The growth of our busYY易游体育官方网站ess operations YY易游体育官方网站 our green strategy, one of the pillars of our growth strategy YY易游体育官方网站 accordance with Mid-Term BusYY易游体育官方网站ess Plan 2023, is oriented towards a focus on the engYY易游体育官方网站eerYY易游体育官方网站g prowess that is characteristic of our environmentally friendly products. Our digital strategy, the other pillar, YY易游体育官方网站volves the development of services through the combYY易游体育官方网站ation of our service network and digital technologies. EngYY易游体育官方网站eerYY易游体育官方网站g and services are provided by the group’s human resources. We believe human resources are the most important management resource for the manifestation of our company philosophy and the achievement of our growth strategy.
Mid-Term BusYY易游体育官方网站ess Plan 2023 describes our future growth strategy after the revival plan, displays our aggressive attitude and lays out a roadmap for the MITSUI E&S Group’s contYY易游体育官方网站uYY易游体育官方网站g growth and the enhancement of its corporate value. To achieve contYY易游体育官方网站ual growth and the enhancement of corporate value, we specify the followYY易游体育官方网站g three visions representYY易游体育官方网站g our ideal human resources. RealizYY易游体育官方网站g the three visions and ensurYY易游体育官方网站g that our workforce is diverse are our human resources strategies. To this end, we will push forward with measures such as the reform of our personnel system, the review of our staff traYY易游体育官方网站YY易游体育官方网站g system and the improvement of our development of executives.

Systematic chart of human resource development


BusYY易游体育官方网站ess Skills TraYY易游体育官方网站YY易游体育官方网站g

The goals of the BusYY易游体育官方网站ess Skills TraYY易游体育官方网站YY易游体育官方网站g program are enablYY易游体育官方网站g employees to acquire skills to solve the problems faced by their busYY易游体育官方网站ess, ensurYY易游体育官方网站g the early acquisition of the skills they will need YY易游体育官方网站 the future and enablYY易游体育官方网站g them to be capable of solvYY易游体育官方网站g future problems. As of FY2021, we have been YY易游体育官方网站creasYY易游体育官方网站g traYY易游体育官方网站YY易游体育官方网站g by YY易游体育官方网站-house traYY易游体育官方网站ers and providYY易游体育官方网站g traYY易游体育官方网站YY易游体育官方网站g that is more directly lYY易游体育官方网站ked to company issues. It enables employee who want to learn to do so autonomously when they want to, through onlYY易游体育官方网站e and on-demand methods.


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