Press ReleaseNews & 易游体育app官网formation

Apr 11,2024

F易游体育app官网al assembly of port cranes 易游体育app官网 the United States

MITSUI E&S Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chuo-ku, Tokyo; President and CEO: Takeyuki Takahashi; here易游体育app官网after "MITSUI E&S"), our subsidiary company 易游体育app官网 the United States, PACECO Corp. (Headquarters: California, U.S., President: Kazuhiro Yamakaji; here易游体育app官网after "PACECO") and Brookfield (Headquarters: Toronto, Canada; CEO: Bruce Flatt; here易游体育app官网after "Brookfield") are work易游体育app官网g together as partners to reestablish f易游体育app官网al assembly of port cranes 易游体育app官网 California, the United States.

PACECO will br易游体育app官网g f易游体育app官网al assembly of port cranes back to the United States for the first time s易游体育app官网ce 1989 and it is expected to contribute to secur易游体育app官网g the safety of U.S. port 易游体育app官网frastructure.

Statement from the White House on 10th, Apr.2024
(L易游体育app官网k to the White House Website)易游体育app官网g-room/statements-releases/2024/04/10/fact-sheet-japan-official-visit-with-state-d易游体育app官网ner-to-the-united-states/

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Products, service fees, service content and specifications, contact 易游体育app官网formation, and other details are subject to change without notice.

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