This is to announce that as of March 18th, 2020, we have delisted from the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
This page contains IR information that were released before the delisting.

Financial Data

Financial Highlights

Financial Result Highlights

Monthly Transaction Volume Summary

From FY2017, PARCO has adopted the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). In accordance with the IFRS, PARCO will report its tenant transaction volume (year-on-year) as part of its monthly transaction volume summary. “Tenant transaction volume” is the total value of the tenant transaction volumes of PARCO stores. Previous year values are calculated using the same standards.
The company publishes a quick estimation of "Tenant transaction volume" for the previous month around the second of each month and final figures around the fifteenth of each month.

Fiscal 2018

Fiscal 2017

"Integrated sales"(up to FY2016) is the comprehensive total of the following sales categories, and demonstrates the overall sales capability of a store:
(1) Net sales by tenants
(2) Sales at PARCO Theater and other facilities
(3) Sales of tenants under fixed rent contracts

Fiscal 2016

Fiscal 2015

Fiscal 2014

Fiscal 2013

Fiscal 2012

Fiscal 2011

Fiscal 2010

Fiscal 2009

Fiscal 2008

Fiscal 2007

Fiscal 2006

Fiscal 2005

ベラ ジョン カジノ 楽天 銀行

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  • Internet IR Excellence Award 2018
  • WITH GRADE AAA Corporate Websites 2018 Nikko Investor Relations Co.,Ltd. Ranking in all listed companies in Japan
  • ベラ ジョン カジノ 楽天 銀行
Updated Dec.9,2020